Friday, March 12, 2010

Thermostat Control

Lately, well truthfully ~ for a long time now, the temperature in my house has been getting way too hot. I'm not talking about the actual temperature. That stays at 63 degrees! My husband says "If you're cold then put some close on or make a fire!" But I'm talking about the temperature of emotions, attitudes, lack of respect, the over all mood in this house. It all came to a head the other day after the following events:
I was in the shower when I heard noises out in the living room. I couldn't make out what it was, but soon found out that it was my husband and sixteen year old son. When I came out from the bathroom my husband said "Be prepared. He's at it again." "at it" would mean my son's mouth! Great! Just what I needed ~ not!
I went on as if I knew nothing and found my son crying in the other end of the house. After exchanging a few words with him ~ 5 maybe 10 mins. that felt like 30! ~ it was obvious that this issue wasn't going to be resolved quickly. He was way too upset so I told him to go into his room and that I would be back later to talk with him. I was needing to get dressed, go to the library, and pick up a couple things at the grocery store to then come home and make dinner. I was busy.
I went into the bathroom to pee ~ I had needed to before I starting talking to him ~ and couldn't even get a moment of peace. My son had not stopped yelling at me since I told him to go to his room and now he is yelling at me through the door! Grrrrrr!!!!! Can't I even go to the bathroom in peace!? I sat there, bowed my head into my hands, and simple said "Lord let your peace fall on this house!"
To make this long story short ~ God heard my cry and answered my prayer! There was peace! At least there was a peace within me that I felt had started to make its way through the rest of the house. I took my son with me on my errands. Something changed in him as if a switch had been flipped. He was back to the wonderful person that I enjoy being around instead of this crazy person I did not know. (Those of you who have experienced teenagers know exactly what I'm talking about! lol) We we able to have a calm conversation. Everything wasn't resolved, but it gave me hope.
Then it hit me ~ conviction. I haven't been praying for anyone or anything. I had been getting too "busy" and relying on myself or my husband to fix things around here instead of God. The Lord began speaking to me in a number of ways and showing me how as the woman of this house that it is my responsibility to my husband and my children to set the temperature. Confession ~ I have been doing a poor job at this. I get way too hot then run my mouth off saying this I shouldn't be saying. I can get too cold and not deal with things. My temperature needs to be set on Jesus!
More of Jesus is all I need. Period. Nothing more, nothing less. Simple ~ isn't it? And yet why do I try to complicate it? Why do I feel the need to control? Funny thing ~ when I think I'm in control I'm really so out of control and so is the rest of my house. So today is a new day. His word says that His mercies are new every morning and that the joy of the Lord is our strength. So I securely stand on His word knowing that my God is faithful.
Today I pray. I pray that I keep my eyes on Jesus and allow my thermostat to remain on the temperature of the Holy Spirit. If anyone becomes uncomfortable with this temperature then they will need to make their own adjustments ~ my dial will not be moved.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 1

Here it is ~ I'm writing. I've thought about doing this for quite some time, but more importantly the Lord has been prompting me to do so for even longer! What am I going to write about you ask? I don't I have recently joined "The Know Nothing Ya-Ya Sisterhood" and I'm good with that.
Let me explain ~ I bought this sign that I posted in my kitchen about six weeks ago that reads "To save time, let's assume I know everything" When my sixteen year old son saw this he put it around his neck and said "this is me!" And of course I was quick to correct him because it was for him to adhere to ~ not to define him. Now I don't think I know everything, but as far as my teenagers are concerned they need to think that mom knows all! And as far as my husband goes....well he knows better. The Lord reminded me of exactly how much I really know ~ not a lot! Maybe nothing at all. However He reminds me that He has given me knowledge of two things ~ 1. I know how to pray 2. I know and hear His voice. This is enough for me. It's all I need to know.
So here I am. Writing. Writing as the Lord has told me to. For those of you who don't know me that well please know that I don't use the term "the Lord said to me" or anything like that loosely. In fact I hesitate to say anything remotely close to that. Know that when I do it's been after praying and confirming it through His word. Also this is my walk, my journey in life as I do my best to live a life that is honoring and pleasing to the Lord. I will openly share my thoughts, feelings, fears, victories, laughter and tears along the way with you in hopes that it may encourage you or someone you may know. We often feel alone in this world. However, this couldn't be farther from the truth. Not only has the Lord given us His Holy Spirit to dwell within us but He has given us each other. I am so grateful for this. Thank you Lord.